Compare picture hanging systems

STAS picture hanging systems at a glance

Although our products are easy to install, choosing from our extensive range can be a challenge. You can choose a simple, elegant STAS minirail or the basic STAS cliprail. But when you want to hang multiple or heavy items on the wall, a sturdy, robust STAS cliprail max may be a better choice. Or would you rather choose a wooden rail or solo hanger? We are happy to help you make the right choice for your situation.

Let our experts advise you!

STAS is here to help you make the right decision. Compare lengths, colours, mounting options, weight capacities and sometimes very important: the price of our STAS rail systems. Using the specifications listed in this overview, you can determine what fits best. But still, always feel free to contact us!

Other information resources:

STAS Installation Instructions  |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  STAS YouTube page  |  STAS sample set

Picture hanging systems - Wall mounted

Compare all our wall-mounted picture hanging systems below! Since you mount the system to the wall once, you never have to get out your drill again when you want to hang something new from your wall. You are free to re-decorate your wall over and over again. It will only take a minute. Hanging and replacing wall decoration is that easy with STAS!

Picture hanging systems - Ceiling mounted

Our STAS picture hanging systems for ceilings can be mounted virtually invisibly on (or incorporated into) the ceiling. Our picture hanging systems for ceilings are ideal for new-build homes or offices and government institutions with suspended ceilings. More about ceiling mounting systems

Picture hanging systems with lighting

STAS picture hanging systems from the multirail series is suitable for picture lighting. The rail integrates 12 V voltage wires (low voltage). Matching luminaires can easily be clicked into the rail at any position to highlight wall decorations. Combined with LED lamps, the STAS multirail is also very energy-efficient. Our smart solutions can even be controlled via WiFi!

Compile a STAS picture hanging system with lighting

Hooks and cords for your hanging system

STAS hooks and cords work very easily. The cords with cobra end are hooked into the opening of the rail at any point, the rods are lifted into the rail from above and the cords with loop are naturally hung over all kinds of hooks.

You slide the STAS smartspring, STAS zipper and/or STAS zipper pro hooks over the cord to the desired height by pressing them in from the sides and sliding them upwards.

Tip: You can use several hooks on 1 cord, as long as the maximum weight of the respective cord in combination with the hook used is respected.
Please note: The STAS smartspring can only be used in combination with a perlon cord.
Please note: Specific hooks / rods / cords are required for STAS j-rail, STAS j-rail max, STAS plasterrail and STAS wooden rails.

View hooks & cords for STAS hanging systems