Picture rail hooks

Traditional picture rail hooks

picture rail moulding hook Combining a traditional picture rail moulding hook with a perlon cord and the patented STAS zipper hook gives you the best way to hang your pictures from a wooden picture rail.
Available in white, gold and natural aluminium.
Order your traditional picture rail moulding hooks and cords here

picture rail moulding hooks


Modern picture rail hooks, cables and hangers

Our shop also offers two modern picture rail hooks, both patented and manufactured by STAS picture hanging systems.
Order your modern picture rail hooks here STAS smartspring on perlon cordThe STAS smartspring is a basic picture rail hook, capable of carrying loads up to 4 kg (8.8 lbs) when used in combination with the matching perlon cord. The transparent perlon cable is almost invisible. The STAS smartspring picture rail hook is adequate for most lightweight frames, paintings and wall decorations. When you need to hang a heavier work of art or big picture frame, the STAS zipper picture rail hook is your best option. You can attach the STAS zipper to a perlon cord as well. This combination is capable of carrying loads up to 15 kg (33lbs). Do you need even more capacity? Don’t worry! The STAS zipper can carry up to 20kg (44 lbs) when used together with the matching steel cable.
STAS cobra on perlon cord and steel cable The perlon cords and steel cables are equipped with the patented STAS cobra hanger. This specially designed hanger / hook, attached to the tip of the cord, allows you to position your frames any way you’d like them. Simply hook the cord at any desired spot in the picture rail. Slide the picture rail hook over the cord to the desired height and hang your picture frame! Our picture rail hooks allow you to arrange and re-arrange your pictures time and time again very easily, without tools or nails!
picture rail hooks and cords